Best man in search of bridesmaid – how to meet your SO at a wedding!

Why Are Couples Postponing Weddings?

Summer weddings are great if you have a date and have nothing to do with actually organizing the event. Otherwise, you might end up at the singles table, being forced to repeatedly dance with the bride’s 8 year old cousin, because she’s all cute and everything. However, the fact that you do not have a date to a , might actually be in your advantage. Acfter all, you might end up meeting someone there. Here are a few tips on how to turn such an event from a failure to a great hit.


You need to look good

The first thing you need to do at any is to make sure that you look absolutely great. Get yourself a haircut, make sure that your tie or bowtie look amazing, make sure that you get a perfectly fitting or suit from Rose , make sure that you have the right accessories and so on. If you have no experience with these things and with getting ready for a , you should know that Rose Tuxedo has a professional tailor on site who can definitely help you out in making the tough decisions. In other words, all you need to do is make sure that you are decent looking otherwise and that you smell great, because that is always something that girls appreciate.

Charcol Grey

You need to know your audience

Anyways, now that you have everything set and you look sharp, it is time to properly assess the situation. This means that the first half an hour or even an hour you need to spend it figuring out who is single and who is not. Of course, you should also check out your competition to see what you are dealing with. Once you have determined and singled out the singles, all you need to do is mingle. Make sure to be sociable and to talk to everyone. You can make compliments, but not too many. The key here is to show moderate interest, not to overwhelm everyone with your attention.

You need to be patinet

One other thing that you probably already knew, but should keep in mind is the fact that everyone reacts in a positive way when they meet someone who is a good listener. You can ask questions, but not too personal ones and make sure that you find out her name and who she is friends with: the bride or the groom. The key here is not necessarily for you to start being a couple right away. You can definitely play it cool now, when you first meet, just to surprise her with a call a couple of days later.  Your chances will exponentially grow if you give her some time to figure you out and to figure out how she feels about you.

That being said, good luck with finding the perfect girl, and don’t forget to come by Rose Tuxedo to get the perfect suit or tuxedo for the wedding.

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