How do wedding couples choose their wedding date

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Planning a wedding is no easy feat. Between sticking to a budget, reserving venues, finding vendors, and reminding people about their RSVPs, there are plenty of obstacles to overcome. With so many things to take care of, it’s natural for couples to get hung up on choosing the date for their big day.

How wedding couples choose their wedding date

How wedding couples choose their wedding date
How wedding couples choose their wedding date

1. The date of the wedding should match the date of their engagement.

2. The bride and groom rarely concerned themselves with choosing a specific date when they were dating, so if they have their heart set on a particular date, it’s unlikely that they’ll deviate from that plan after getting engaged.

3. Weddings are usually scheduled at least six months in advance. It gives couples enough time to plan their actions and arrange vendors but not so much time that they’re stuck with nothing to do on this particular day; many guests RSVP well ahead of the wedding day, and parties will be started almost a month before the actual wedding.

4. One of the most important things to consider when selecting a wedding date is its proximity to the date of your wedding; if you’re getting married in two years and are still fairly single the year you plan your wedding, perhaps you shouldn’t put it on the same date as your partner’s. It is especially true if either party intends to take an extended honeymoon following their weddings (which brings us to our next point…).

5. Weddings are usually planned for at least six months. It gives couples enough time to design their actions and arrange vendors but not so much time that they’re stuck with nothing to do on this particular day; many guests RSVP well ahead of the wedding day, and parties will be started almost a month before the actual wedding.

6. Couples should choose a convenient date for their family members and guests. Weddings usually take place over weekends, so choosing a date that will interfere with the busy travel schedule of friends and family members is not ideal.

avoid picking dates around holidays
avoid picking dates around holidays

7. Brides should also avoid picking dates around holidays in which they may be employed; many couples enjoy planning their wedding during the Christmas holiday season, which generally coincides with the busiest travel times for both parents and relatives.

8. Weddings vary significantly according to location; some are too hot or cold to hold them outdoors in the summertime, and others can be bitterly cold for months because of their inland location. Couples should pick a date as close to perfect as possible, depending on the climate of their area.

9. If either the bride or the groom is a military member, choosing a date for their wedding can become very complicated; many members of the armed forces are required to be on call on their wedding day and should consider this when choosing a date.

Couples planning an out-of-town destination
Couples planning an out-of-town destination

10. Couples planning an out-of-town destination wedding usually stick to dates with high room availability in hotels and resorts to accommodate themselves and their guests.

11. Some destination weddings are held with the couple’s family in attendance; these ceremonies are usually scheduled for mid-summer to avoid inclement but should be planned as far in advance as possible to allow for travel arrangements.

12. an excellent way to choose Wedding dates is to consider the readily available dates that will fit your budget and won’t interfere with your partner’s life too much (or at all). If you’re both eager to make it official, you can always try again when finances permit – or if it turns out that you have another wedding date in mind!


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