How to the Best Best Man to your Buddy

Why Are Couples Postponing Weddings?

In a previous blog post, we talked about how to choose your groomsmen. In this post, we will be addressing the best man. We want to teach you how to be the best support and best man to your friend, the .

#1 Help your best friend prepare

This can be as simple as helping him get ready, setting up the bachelor party, calming him down if he gets cold feet, or helping with general planning. You’re not likely to be heavily involved in the planning, but you’ll be needed in the execution.

#2 Prepare a toast

You are expected to give a toast after the ceremony, before the meal. Keep it truthful, from the heart, but avoid stories of his past lovers, wild parties, or anything else incriminating. It also wouldn’t hurt to compliment the bride a little.

#3 Have a stash of the ’s favorite alcohol

Your best friend is incredibly nervous. Keep a couple airplane bottles or a small flask with just enough alcohol to help him get through the jitters. If he’s not into alcohol, come up with something to calm his nerves (tea, soda, cigars, cigarettes, etc.). DO NOT let him get drunk before the wedding starts.

#4 Coordinate

When possible, talk with the Maid of Honor and the Bride. This keeps your guys from getting blindsides or confused. The bride and her girls are more likely to talk to you than the other groomsmen and the . If possible, get a female who isn’t in the bridal party to parlay messages if possible. Coordination keeps the bride and from overwhelming issues and allows them to focus on the events to come.

#5 Know the wedding party and guests

Know who is who and who is doing what job. Make sure you know who doesn’t get along (in-laws, rival family members, etc.) and get others in the bridal party involved in diffusing drama, fights, and keep everything rolling smoothly.

#6 Be aware of the timetable

Help keep everyone in the groom’s party on schedule. Don’t let them get behind, causing the bride to wait at the altar for the groom to finish getting dressed.

#7 Look the part

Make sure your tux or suit is in great shape for the whole party. Be wary of stain creating factors, make sure your clothes are clean, ironed, and in pristine condition. Do what you can to ensure your guys are looking their best as well. Check for stains, wrinkles, and other imperfections in their attire. Keep some sort of emergency spot remover, scissors, and someone on standby who can fix buttons or minor tears.

#8 Have fun!

Once the wedding starts it’s time to relax a little. After the ceremony, you may want to be aware of the aforementioned worrisome groups. But let yourself have a few drinks or allow yourself to get involved in conversations and party activities to relax. It’s a part, after all! You’ve done your work, now reap the benefits.

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