Tuxedo Rentals for the Oscars take a new turn
It’s that time of year again as everyone is rushing around trying to find the perfect dress or Tuxedo rental for the fabulous Oscar Parties. This year expect to see a lot of unconventional takes on the traditional tuxedo and party dress. The new big thing this year is likely to be the “slimmed down tuxedo,” a leaner more streamlined version of a traditional tuxedo. This new take on the traditional tuxedo can be riveting, but it must be done with an eye to good taste or it can be a mess. On the other hand, a dash of bad taste can be like a dash of spice and can jazz up any event. It all depends on who’s wearing it and how they wear it. You can also expect to see a lot of three buttoned tuxedos with white shirts and woven ties by Gucci and the like. A man can never go wrong with that combination
Some of our style rebels may opt for contrasting- colored vests which they may leave open revealing a bold belt buckle with some rebel design. This may be all right so long as the stomach is lean, but if you’re carrying a few extra pounds don’t risk it. Some other variations may include, silken lapels, patterned tuxes, and tuxes in various colors, some with word messages and/or symbols.
When selecting a tux, it is best to consider the image you wish to project, and the company you are keeping. If your date is a goddess, it is best that you try to match her class, beauty and style rather than show up in a day-glo tux with word messages all over it. Generally, it is best to keep the distinctive expressive touches to a tasteful minimum and let your date grab the limelight with her jaw dropping dress. Understatement is very attractive on a man. However, if you must grab attention, do it with gusto and flair. This years Oscar event promises to be interesting as stars going increasingly out on a limb so that they may distinguish themselves. Just remember: a little flash goes a long way.
Some of our style rebels may opt for contrasting- colored vests which they may leave open revealing a bold belt buckle with some rebel design. This may be all right so long as the stomach is lean, but if you’re carrying a few extra pounds don’t risk it. Some other variations may include, silken lapels, patterned tuxes, and tuxes in various colors, some with word messages and/or symbols.
When selecting a tux, it is best to consider the image you wish to project, and the company you are keeping. If your date is a goddess, it is best that you try to match her class, beauty and style rather than show up in a day-glo tux with word messages all over it. Generally, it is best to keep the distinctive expressive touches to a tasteful minimum and let your date grab the limelight with her jaw dropping dress. Understatement is very attractive on a man. However, if you must grab attention, do it with gusto and flair. This years Oscar event promises to be interesting as stars going increasingly out on a limb so that they may distinguish themselves. Just remember: a little flash goes a long way.