Wearing a suit to any family or formal gathering is a great idea. It’s better to be overdressed than under-dressed. If you have no clue what to wear to your own Thanksgiving family dinner or to the home of your spouse, girlfriend, or best friend you can never go wrong with a suit. If you know a suit will come across as snooty or obnoxious you could always dress it down.
Or ignore the haters and wear it anyway because you look amazing in that suit, sir. Much like our post in September about the different ways to utilize a three-piece suit, you don’t always have to wear the full classic suit. You can use the pieces to your advantage and look your best and use the same suit for several Thanksgiving Weekend events.

Here are some ways to wear your best suit to any Thanksgiving event this November.
1. Full suit
Reserve this for impressing in-laws, bosses, co-workers, or strangers. Gravy is messy and you may spill something. If you wear a brown suit, gravy may not be a problem. Stick to earth tones with some accents matching the color-changing leaves. Maybe avoid the three-piece suit here and stick to slacks and jacket.
2. Slacks and Vest
This look is always flattering and looks much more relaxed than a three-piece suit. It could be paired with a long tie or bowtie in colors matching the food or leaves of fall. Roll up your shirt sleeves and add some patterned socks with your loafers. Keep is casual but clean. Gravy-color clothes will only take you so far.
3. Slacks and Sweater
This doesn’t technically require owning or renting a suit, but the right slacks are important. Pair a nice pair of slacks, a collared shirt, and a festive vest to look casual but put together. Keep the turkey turtleneck at home and stick to a sweater vest or V-neck sweater with an autumn color pallet. Reserve the tacky sweater for sitting at home eating your leftovers with your wife or girlfriend.

4. Jeans and Vest or Jacket
For those family members and friends you’re more comfortable with, pair a nice suit jacket or vest with a clean, straight leg dark wash jean—no holes. You can wear this with a festive-colored dress shirt (with or without a tie) with the suit jacket or a plaid button-down with the suit vest. The combinations are endless. Just keep it neat and leave the elastic waistbands at home. No one needs to see that.
5. Utilize your boring business brown suit
Browns work great for Thanksgiving. Tweed, wool, or blends will look great. Pair it with a pop of color to grab some attention. If you arrive at a holiday party and you’re overdressed, you can always remove a layer and roll up your sleeves or remove your tie.
If you’re underdressed, put the jacket back on and straighten your tie. But if you are unsure of what attire the party will require, Put on a two-piece suit with a sweater and you should realize quickly what layers to shed. Or, simply ask. It never hurts.