Tuxedo rental Donations

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Tuxedo rental Donations is something that every Tuxedo rental Specialist does in some fashion through out the year. As a small business owner in the community it’ always nice to give back. Rose Tuxedo has 3 locations in Phoenix AZ and surrounding cities. During the year Rose tuxedo get’ asked to donate rental tuxedos for Prom Fashion shows, Wedding Photo shoots, Free rentals for Nonprofit give a ways and so much more. Our favorite donations always go out to the underprivileged children. We love to suit them up and see how much they smile and feel good when they are all dressed up. 

September is National Recovery Month. Rose tuxedo has been providing Scottsdale Recovery Center with Tuxedo and Suit rentals. What SRC does every year to celebrate the accomplishments of some of their past patients and current ones is nothing short of awesome. They always reach out to us and ask for around 10 donated tuxedo rentals to make they September Month party fun and entertaining for all. We always there to watch the personal stories and they excitement of each patient. Dressing up changes how people feel about themselves and some people have never worn a tuxedo or suit and really feel the difference in their perception when they do. SRC

As a small business owner we always believe in shopping local. When you shop local all your dollars spent stay in the state. Rose Tuxedo is a small family owned business and we have been suiting the valley since 1980. We believe in giving back and helping our community. If any organization or Wedding Photographer, School or Non profit would like some donated tuxedos for your next event you are always welcome to reach out to us and if we can I promise you we will and no charge. My name is Angelo and this is my personal so you can me direct asbrocca4@aol.com  

Tuxedo donations are easier to give away during our slower months of business during the year like the Summer months. But we will always try to help out anyone we can. Thank you and when you think formal, always think Rose Tuxedo. Our stores work closely with organizations in their communities to support their fundraising efforts through gift card donations you can use them as auction items to help raise funds during events. 

Every one of our stores is given its own donation budget each year. Our shop associates are given the chance to support local organizations they know and trust. With our 3 locations we can reach more worthy organizations in their immediate neighborhoods. Shop local and we all benefit.


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