Do wedding couples use review sites to help find businesses for their wedding?
We hear it a lot from friends and family and strangers. If their looking for a business to use for a home repairs, car repairs and so much more they will read reviews. But does a wedding couple use Yelp and Google reviews when choosing a wedding vendor for their wedding?

Years ago an engaged couple would find a Wedding Cake company by looking through the Yellow Pages (if some of you don’t know what this is, it’s a big yellow book dropped off once a year by your door). Or a bride and Groom would go to a Bridal show and speak directly with wedding companies they were looking for. Like a DJ, Wedding Venue, Cake maker, Tuxedo rental business and more. The Bridal shows still go on and lots of Brides and their bridesmaids attend but do they pick the company they want to use just by talking to them? or do they still check out their reviews first. That’s the question.

The new generation getting married seem to be very up to date on all the choices they have thanks to the Internet these days. So even when a friend recommends a Tuxedo rental shop they still like to look up the reviews and ask others. And it’s not just young people reading reviews it’s their parents and siblings and friends.

We live in a review world these days but how can we trust what we read
I have been asked by a lot of my friends and family that have small businesses if I could help write a review for their business. Of course they want me to have been there but that is not always the case. The review world has become a place for fake reviews to help grow a companies business. Now we have to figure out which reviews are true and which reviews are fake. Imagine having to do this for your wedding.