We’ve got a couple holidays coming up, so it’s time to start thinking of what you’re going to wear to all of those gatherings and parties. We’ve got Thanksgiving gatherings with friends and family, Christmas celebrations with everyone, and New Year’s Eve parties! We’re going to start talking about how we can make you look your best for the rest of the major 2015 holidays, starting with Thanksgiving.
- New Couples: This is a time when newer couples may start meeting parents, grandparents, and other family members. It is a great time to put your best foot forward and wear a suit (or piece out a suit for a more casual look). Make a great first impression to the picky aunts your girlfriend may have warned you about.
- Established Couples: From the engaged couples, to the newlyweds to the “When are you getting married?” couples, Thanksgiving is a time to keep up any preconceived notions of perfection you may have built over the years. Show your partner’s family that you’re still awesome and you still look great with a suit, sports coat, or even just slacks and a vest. We can help you with any suit pieces as well as ties. Utilize our warehouse prices or our rental services to look awesome.
- Tried and True Couples: There’s always one family member who always has something to say about how you look, your weight, your job, or something else about you as a person. Show them just how awesome you can be in a snazzy suit (full or pieced out, of course). The right suit will slim you down and boost your confidence so you can deal with even the grumpiest of in-laws.
- Couples: Here’s a chance to continue showing how modern, classy, and amazing you are. Show up in something different, but still classy to make your family (and your partner’s family) see that you weren’t just showing off for Thanksgiving—this is who you are (or at least can be).
- Office Parties: Spruce up your look with a suit rental to show off for your office crush or to show your boss just how professional you can look and act.
- Friends: Show up your friends and be the best dressed man (or woman) there. A suit is a great way to stand out—especially if everyone’s just showing up in Christmas sweaters. We offer suits, ties, and other pieces in various colors. So mix and match to beat the “ugly Christmas,” fad or just look awesome and get some attention for the right reasons.
- Family: Convince your relatives you never see that you’re doing better than ever—or get them off your back for “dressing like a slob,” if they’re the type who think the youth of today doesn’t respect classic fashion. Be the talk of the party and maybe get out of doing dishes or helping cook because you “might ruin the suit.”

New Year’s
Start the year off right by looking completely dashing. Leave the night with your partner knowing you were the best dressed ones there, or catch the eye of the lucky lady who will be the recipient of your first kiss of the New Year. Ladies, try a suit or tux to start the year off in fashion and show that it’s not just men who get to have fun with the suits and ties. It’s even better if your New Year’s Resolution is to stop dressing like everyone tells you to (because really, who says girls can’t rock what men can?)